“Cavalletto” è un tavolo archetipo, le gambe sono la somma dei legni disposti a contrastare la spinta di un grande piano sovrastante. Cavalletto è geometria, è incastro, è memoria di antichi tavoli convenzionali o di più recenti tavoli da lavoro. “Cavalletto” è un segno forte che esibisce nel collegamento a “cannocchiale” tra le due gambe o meglio tra le due strutture/gamba, il movimento dell’allungo.
“Cavalletto” is an archetype, whose legs are the result of the wood used to contrast the weight of the large top. “Cavalletto” is geometry, is frame, is memory of old conventional tables and of the most recent worktables. “Cavalletto” is a strong sign, which exhibits the extension movement thanks to the telescopic joints between the two structures/legs.


Studio di Architettura Luca Scacchetti established in Milan in 1978 by architect Luca Scacchetti.
When in July 2015 Luca Scacchetti has passed away, came to life Studio di Architettura Scacchetti Associati. His colleague and wife Cinzia Anguissola Scacchetti leads this firm as a natural continuation of the previous.
Studio di Architettura Scacchetti Associati claims local identity because we believe that the sum of the differences means could bring more richness for the entire humanity. In fact, the aim that the firm pursues in each project area is the research for the Innovation respecting local cultures: from masterplan to architectural designs, from interiors to product’s design. That’s why when we are called to works abroad, the firm reads countries' local cultures through its Italian critical eye.
The goal is to get a final composition between volumes, materials and finishes, with the smartest and most elegant balance (joining localisms and innovation).
To meet the client’s requests, we make the knowledge and the experience of our team of architects, designers, structural engineers, landscape architects and urban planners available.
During its 38 years, the firm has built a significant portfolio about urban planning with different scales, about architecture both in renovation and new construction, about interiors, exhibitions and product design.
Studio di Architettura Scacchetti Associati brings to all of these design’s categories the same professionalism.
To design with expression and elegance, architects must understand and exploit the craft of building. Mastery of materials, processes and practical methods of building - from the ancient to the just emerging- forms the foundation of professionalism and the key to achievement. The firm designed settings for exhibitions for some of the most representative Italian museums and trading fairs, interiors for private residencies, banks, airports, offices, hotels, restaurants and shops.
Regarding the product design, the firm is committed to combine the lesson of the ancient Italian craftmanship with the application of the newest technologies. The philosophy and values which inspire every project are the same regardless of scale or size. This explains why no detail is too small in its importance for the studio and why the same amount of care and attention will be lavished on the design of a piece of furniture, light systems, laminates, bath accessories, textiles, doors handles and artistical glasses.
Our planning experience includes works on a wide ranges of scales and anticipates the varied needs of growing communities and the cultural impact of new technology; it includes the planning and design of new suburbs, urban areas and a large parcel planning for residential property. Our design addresses also issues such as county master planning, historical centres preservation, public transportation, urban development, etc.
Architecture is a public art and the quality of our urban design also affects our well-being. This concern for the physical context has produced projects always careful to the culture, the character and the history of its place. The firm has built a significant portfolio of civic, institutional, hospitality, apartment buildings, private residencies, commercial and retail projects for public and private sector clients. A glance to the projects reveals a modern aesthetic, employing and expressing proven contemporary technologies with steadfast attention to detail, and striving to fuse art, craft, technology and business to realize distinguished and productive architecture.

Bauline, la cultura della Qualità Bauline è la prima azienda italiana che ha inventato ed avviato una produzione di altissimo livello di tavoli e consolle trasformabili in ampi piani. Anima dell’identità del marchio Bauline e motivo del suo successo è l’eccellente qualità che da sempre caratterizza e distingue ogni suo prodotto: codesta qualità deriva da una grande sapienza artigianale supportata da quella di ambiti designer di fama internazionale. Seguendo con abilità e passione tutte le fasi di produzione, dalla progettazione alla sua completa realizzazione, ogni singolo prodotto è il risultato di minuziosi studi che analizzano ogni dettaglio e il dettaglio nell’insieme, di ricerche scientifiche per trovare ed applicare il meglio delle tecnologie disponibili ove si possa, e crearne di nuove dove ci sia la necessità. Il mantenimento di un elevato livello di qualità coniugato alla costante ricerca dell’estetica e del design come elementi imprescindibili dell’oggetto creato, sono e saranno sempre elementi strategici basilari per l’azienda. Bauline, difatti, è sinonimo di cura dei particolari, di ricerca dei materiali e delle tecnologie migliori, di investimenti nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti nell’ottica di una continua tensione verso soluzioni inedite e innovazioni significative. La qualità, l’unicità e l’originalità delle idee non hanno tempo, non seguono gli stili e le mode ma li determinano: il loro valore intrinseco è unico ed inimitabile.
Bauline, the culture of Quality Bauline is the first Italian company that invented and launched the production of high-end tables and consoles that can be transformed into larger surfaces. The soul of the Bauline brand and reason of its success is the excellent quality that characterizes and distinguishes each product: this quality derives from excellent craftsmanship combined with the most renowned international designers. Following with the expertise and passion present in every phase of the production, from concept to complete realization, every single product is the result of meticulous refinement and research that analyzes every detail, applying scientific research that utilizes the best available technologies or the creation of new ones, when applicable. Maintaining a high level of quality together with the constant research in aesthetics and design as indispensable elements of an object, are and will always be the predominant points for the company. Bauline, indeed, is synonymous of care for the details, of research in the best materials and technologies, of investments in the evelopment of new products, in order to find new solutions and significant innovation. Quality, uniqueness and originality of ideas are timeless and don’t follow styles or fashion, but determine them: their intrinsic value is unique and inimitable.